Dear Nadia,
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so much!
Doing a 7 Day Green Juice Cleanse with you just over a year ago, was seriously a life changing experience!
I came out of the other side of the Cleanse a completely different person xx
I haven’t yet told you because I didn’t want to jinx it, but can you believe, I fell pregnant within weeks of finishing the cleanse (after trying to fall pregnant for a really long time and having multiple miscarriages).
During the cleanse, I was able to cut toxic energetic ties with my mother, and truly connect to my soul like I never had before.
I will be forever so grateful for your facilitation in such a profound experience and healing!
It might sound odd, but nothing has ever compared (energetically) to this juice cleanse I experienced through you. I really felt the energy and power coming from this cleanse and I knew in my heart, there was just so much magic happening in me from an energetic level from the reiki of these juices.
And today having a healthy beautiful child as a result of that cleanse, again I will forever be grateful.
Thank you so much
Much much love
Belinda M – Sunshine Coast