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Tesla’s Large Practitioner Plate


Nadia K holding large practitioner plate in the air


Tesla’s Large Practitioner Plate works as a powerful healing plate, much like the Small Practitioner plate, but at a faster healing rate.

The Practitioner Oval Plates date back to the Egyptian era & are seen in the hieroglyphics & drawings of oval shape like objects worn over the third eye of the Kings, Queens, Gods and Goddesses.

The Practitioner Plates were developed to give Practitioners extra protection from energies & entities.

The size of this plate, makes it ideal to work fast and is perfect for distance healing on sick individuals or groups.

In a Practitioner healing session, these plates are best to be placed under the massage table of the client, concave side facing up.  The client will automatically go into an Alpha state, allowing the Practitioner’s work to be more effective.

Both Practitioner Plates (Large and Small) are excellent for placing over cuts, as they reduce the flow of bleeding, as well as effectively and quickly stop pain, heal scaring and minor burns, help bruising diminish & increases the overall body’s healing process.

Reiki Practitioners will often feel the energy coming from the Large Plates as warm. This generally means the plate is hard at work! However when the affected is healing, the client will generally feel the energy as cooling.

NOTE: Do not place any of Tesla’s Plates on the top of your head (crown chakra).

The most effective placement of all Tesla’s Plates, is with the concave side facing the affected area.


Nadia holding large practitioner plate on couch


For Detailed Information on How Tesla’s Practitioner Plates & Tesla’s Innovational Technology Works, Download the Free Information Booklet HERE


We at Juicing with Nadia K, have access to All Tesla Products at a 10% Discount Price from the Makers, for all clients and customers who purchase through the website.

Tesla's Large practitioner plate - commit designTesla's Large practitioner plate - galaxy design

RRP = $370 AU per plate

10% DISCOUNT Online Price = $335 AU

To Order Tesla’s Large Practitioner Plate 10% OFF ONLINE CLICK HERE

Postage: $15 Express Post Flat Fee

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