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Tesla’s Adult Personal Pendant

What Are They?

Tesla’s Adult Personal Pendants mould to our energy field and increase their vibration, as we increase our vibration, as to always lift us higher in frequency.

The pendant strengthens the wearer’s energy field, through channelling packets of light from the Central Sun, which alleviates the bio-energy effects of man-made Electromagnetic Fields and Radiations; from mobile phones, Wi-Fi, computers, television, microwave & electrical devises etc.

This process educates the body to resist and neutralise the harmful chaotic frequencies from modern technologies, and enables us to keep our electrical aura clean, pure and undisturbed by external toxic electromagnetic frequencies and radiation.

A Clear Aura = a Healthy Body

An Electrically Disturbed Aura = Weak Immune System, Confused/Damaged Cells & Breeding Ground for Dis-ease


Once put on, the pendant takes 12 hours to resonate with your unique frequency and once done so, it stays a frequency level above your resonance, in order to always lift you higher!

NOTE: Once this pendant has been warn for 12 hours by you, it cannot be given to anyone else, as it is now tailored to your individual frequency and knows its mission at hand! And like an uplifting best friend, it grows with you, always promoting a higher conscious awareness when warn, as well as continually strengthening your energy field.



What Do They Do For Us?

  • Strengthens your auric field and helps to cease the effects of EMRs and EMFs
  • Strengthens your immune system by channelling central sun energy through your thymus gland (Note: the Central Sun is not the sun you see in the sky, but the centre point of which the galaxies revolve around)
  • Continually lifts your vibrational frequency and expands your conscious awareness
  • Promotes anti-ageing effects
  • Helps to lessen the effects of sun burn – (your pendant is so clever, it will tell you when it is time to get out of the sun, by appearing to be burning hot on your skin, when in actual fact it is 2 degrees lower than your body temperate.) – “Remember the molecular structure has been changed of the titanium, so sunlight has a completely different effect on your pendant than other metals in the sun.”
  • Treat pain, cuts, burns and bruises, on yourself and others – simply place pendant on affected area for immediate healing to begin
  • The pendant has been scientifically proven to activate the lower brain frequencies, allowing you to concentrate better, learn quicker and improve your day to day alertness. Note: This recovery happens in deep sleep or meditation.
  • Helps those with depression and suicidal tendencies
  • Gets you on purpose – aka doing what you are supposed to be doing in this lifetime!
  • Continually brightens you light! – This is a friend you want in your life!!!



How Do They Work?

The pendant originally made from titanium, has had its molecular structure changed via Nikola Tesla’s workings/technologies, in a way that makes it possible to channel through (photons) packets of light energy from the Central Sun, into the edges of the pendant and then transmit this energy out through the front and the back of the pendant, via the thymus gland (of which you where it over).

The pendant, which is now programmed to resonate with your own bodies’ unique frequency, is intentionally made to be worn over the thymus gland, as it is your thymus gland that controls your immune system and therefore boosts your immunity/energy field against electromagnetic rays, such as: TV, radio waves, microwaves, mobile phones and internet etc.

This process is similar to that of an antidote, which transforms a poison to neutral and educates the body to resist the poison next time. Think of shining light into darkness, as “when you shine light onto darkness, the darkness will vanish, and you are left with only light!”

Wearing a pendant allows you to carry with you, a personal receiver around your neck of photons transmitted directly from the Central Sun, which the ancient Egyptians knew about channelling light energy through pyramids in an exact mathematical format, in order to activate our lower brain frequencies and achieve the healing and recovery benefits of theta ‘our deep sleep state’ and our alpha state – ‘state of deep meditation’ that allows us to connect with what is.

This technology is still light years ahead and only now are we beginning to even scratch the surface and come to terms with;

  1. the life threatening effects of ERMs and EMFs, and
  2. the powerful life force charger of the Central Sun



For Detailed Information on How the Adult Pendant & Tesla’s Innovational Technology Works, Please download the Free Information Booklet HERE


The Most Common Reported Effects of Tesla Pendant Wearers:

  • Individuals looking younger from wearing the pendant – even 10 years after first wearing
  • Nearly all individuals report feeling more alert and aware in general after wearing the pendant
  • Children have reported feeling “not as overwhelmed” at school and more calm in what used to be anxious situations for them
  • Pendant wearers report to feel less scattered mentally and able to concentrate better
  • Pendant wearers report to feel less tired around computers
  • Pendant wearers have reported to sleep better and have more energy in general




Colours & Styles

All Personal Pendants come in 105 Unique Styles and Colours. (See Pendant Style/Colour Charts Below). Have a good look through and See what Pendant Draws Your Attention, This is the Pendant for YOU!!

Lastly all Personal Pendants come in 105 Unique Styles and Colours. (See Pendant Style/Colour Charts Below). Have a good look through and See what Pendant Draws Your Attention, This is the Pendant for YOU!!


Each pendant transmutes slightly different vibrations, so we ask that you take a good look at the above tables, and pick the colour and style that you are most attracted too and most resonates with you. This will then be the right pendant for you and will form a very special part in your growth and awareness!


Testing has been done on a variety of people after they have worn the Personal Pendant in the correct position for 24 hours.

These results have been observed on biofeedback equipment including: EEG showing brain wave activity, Micro Capillary Microscope showing blood flow and Acutec Ridoraqu & Prognos computer programs which test via the meridian system.

As the personal pendant adapts to the wearer’s personal matrix, the wearer’s, energy field becomes stronger and more balanced, as shown in the chart below.

Auric Camera

The picture above is taken by an auric camera, and captures the light that the pendant radiates over the Thymus Gland.

Tesla’s Personal Pendant, is an absolute gift to your energetic body & health!



NOTE: We at Juicing with Nadia K, have access to All Tesla Products at a 10 % Discount Price from the Makers, for all clients and customers who purchase through the website.


RRP = $115.50 AU per Pendant


CLICK HERE to Order your Personal Pendant with 10% Discount

Note: This technology was handed down to the makers, with specific instructions and intent, by Nikola Tesla himself (the greatest discoverer/inventor of all time, who invented electricity as well as 1600 patented inventions! No other company has access to this technology and the results have been life changing with the makers called all over the world to help with Global EMF, EMR issues.

Nikola Tesla was light years ahead of his time and not only invented free energy but his technology (almost like a radio tunes to a station), captures universal energy from the Central Sun, in the unique frequency patterns set in the Tesla Plates, to strengthen our energy fields – ALWAYS LIFTING US HIGHER IN OUR FREQUENCY and combatting the harmful effects of EMRs, EMFs, mobile phone radiation, 5G and Wi-Fi.

We thank the makers for following Nikola Tesla’s instructions, and it is an honour to share this with the public in a transparent manner, so we can all benefit from the gift that Nikola Tesla left future generations.

Get Your FREE Juicing with Nadia K Information Booklet


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