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Servicing of Juice Cleanses starting again shortly. We thank you for your patience

Choosing My Juice Cleanse


There are 6 types of juice cleanses you can choose from:

1) Choose Tropical Cleanse (mix of fruits, vegetables and greens)
2) Choose Green Cleanse (without fruit)
3) Choose Green Cleanse with beetroot & carrot (without fruit)
4) Choose Green Cleanse (with green apple)
5) Choose Green Cleanse (with beetroot, carrot and apple)
6) Juice Cleanse Delivery Areas

Nadia sitting in nature with juices in hand

Explanations of these are listed below:

TROPICAL JUICE CLEANSES: are for people who DON’T have sugar sensitivities, candida or fungal conditions, inflammation, autoimmune conditions, and gut issues and want to cleanse, detox and reboot their digestive system, by providing a full body recharge and boost.

The Tropical Juice Cleanse is great for those with: Low energy, depression, stress, poor eye sight, poor hearing, lethargy, dementia, gout, apathy and lack of inspiration/motivation and/or clarity.

The benefits of this cleanse often include: Body regeneration on a cellular level, detoxification (fast, due to the fruits working together with the vegetables and greens, to assist moving debris and hardened mucus out of the body), weight loss, whiter eyes, thicker nails, healthier hair, more energy, heightened senses (eg. improved hearing, clearer eye sight, stronger smell, greater feeling sense), with the benefits of more energy,  clarity, and inspiration.

The Tropcial Juice Cleanse will have you feeling revitalised and energetic, with a greater sense of clarity, purpose and vision moving forward.

Juicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Tropical Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices - in nature

ORIGINAL GREEN JUICE CLEANSES (WITHOUT FRUIT): are tailored for people with autoimmune conditions, arthritis, sensitivities to sugar, gut issues, candida, parasites, inflammatory diseases, hypersensitivities, tumors, cancers, IBS, poor digestion and acidosis.

This is the Deepest Healing Cleanse available, as multiple powerful herbs are used (tailored to ones health condition).

The green juices rapidly lower inflammation and alkalize your body, which gives the immune system a rest from controlling outside irritations and excess acids caused by unwanted food, thus allowing it to naturally start healing the dis-ease in your body.

The Green Juice Cleanse is for those with: Thyroid disease (Hashimotos), Viruses, the common cold & flu, lung diseases, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal issues, liver disease, pneumonia, fungal infection, leaky gut, Cancer, adverse affects from vaccinations, sinusitis, parasitic conditions or viral related infections.

The benefits of this cleanse often include: A feeling of peace and flow, a boost of the immune system, lowering of inflammation, better sleep, stabilized moods, weight loss, clearer skin, a more youthful look, whiter eyes, shinier hair, a detox of parasites, repairing of skin, organs and cells, improved health condition and energy, as well as insights, inspiration and clarity for steps moving forward.

Juice cleansing, if done correctly, and tailored to you, also lifts your average frequency, resulting in better life and food choices moving forward. Your taste buds will naturally change, relying on what your body ‘actually’ needs, and your food cravings will naturally seek healthier options.

The most exciting part of the cleanse is the Result! Your entire life circumstances will adapt to your new frequency level and higher state of consciousness. Meaning Bright Days Ahead!

This Signature Green Cleanse is a Very Deep Healing Juice Cleanse, so get excited for MASSIVE HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION!

NOTE: These cleanses contain no fruit except for lemon and completely alkalize your body for the period of the cleanse. ‘Disease Cannot Survive in a Pure Alkaline Environment’  and therefore parasites, toxic waste, tumours, cysts, crystallised acid build ups in your joints, mucoid plaque stuck to your colon and foreign invaders, simply die off and exit your body, allowing your body to regenerate and heal.

NOTE: This green cleanse can be tailored to your current Health Condition.

Juicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Green Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices - in nature

GREEN JUICE CLEANSES WITH BEETROOT & CARROT (WITHOUT FRUIT): are also tailored for people with autoimmune conditions, arthritis, sensitivities to sugar, gut issues, candida, parasites, inflammatory diseases, hypersensitivities, tumors, cancers, IBS, poor digestion and acidosis.

These green cleanses contain no fruit except for lemon, and utilise powerful healing herbs and assist in alkalising the body and lowering inflammation. This cleanse caters for people who can tolerate a small amount of natural sugar from the beetroot and carrot, and want to gain the blood detoxification benefits from the beetroot and Vitamin C immune boosting benefits from the carrot, which work well together with the carefully selected juices, that aid in the overall detoxification process.

The Green Cleanse with Beetroot & Carrot, are also for those with: Heart issues, infertility or pregnancy issues, menstrual cycle issues, menopause and cancer,

The benefits of this cleanse include: A feeling of balance returned to oneself, stabilized moods, increased circulation, a boost of the immune system, lowering of inflammation, better sleep, weight loss, better taste & smell, clearer skin, a more youthful look, whiter eyes, shinier hair, repairing of skin, organs and cells, improved health condition and energy, as well as insights, inspiration and clarity for steps moving forward.

NOTE: This cleanse also contains no fruit except for lemon, however takes advantage of the natural sugar derived from the carrots and beetroot in the cleanse, providing a good, gentle detoxification release for the body. It is recommended you do this cleanse, with plenty of time to rest.

“In a Pure Alkaline Environment – No Disease Can Exist!”

Juice cleansing, if done correctly, and tailored to you, also lifts your average frequency, resulting in better life and food choices moving forward. Your taste buds will naturally change, relying on what your body ‘actually’ needs, and your food cravings will naturally seek healthier options.

This cleanse is also a Deep Healing Juice Cleanse, so get excited for the possibilities of MASSIVE HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION!

NOTE: Clients can choose to have only carrot (no beetroot) or only beetroot (and no carrot) as options as well.

NOTE: This cleanse can be also tailored to your Current Health Condition.

Juicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Green with beet Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices

GREEN JUICE CLEANSES WITH GREEN APPLE: are most suited for those who wish to focus on their gut health (gut microbiome), bloating and healing their digestive system, and who can tolerate small amounts of fruit sugar with their green juices.

These cleanses look to take advantage of the pectin from the green apples, which bind together heavy metals and move them out of one’s system, as well as stimulating urination and the release of excess fatty acids and salts from the body.

The Green Cleanse with Green Apple, often helps those with: kidney stones, gallstones, kidney disease, intestinal blockages, hemorrhoids and diabetes.

Having green apple in a juice, often helps to stimulate a bowel movement, which is what we want when juice cleansing. For this reason it is great for those wanting to move intestinal waste quickly, and improve their gut and intestinal health, as the apple often keeps toxins moving out of the system, so the body can then get back to work on dissolving and releasing even more fatty acids, heavy metals and toxins for the body.

The apples used in this cleanse, have a low Glycemic Index, which means they are less likely to cause a rise in blood sugar levels. This cleanse therefore provides great healing potential for those with diabetes, as it does not risk a sudden spike or drop of insulin, and works to keep blood sugars stabalised, providing an ideal environment for the pancreas to naturally regulate and heal.

NOTE: The amount of apple added can be tailored to the client

NOTE: We still recommend those with candida, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or IBS, or autoimmune conditions, look at the first two green cleanses (without fruit), as the fructose may cause inflammation or irritation, which defeats the very purpose of a cleanse – being; a chance for the body to completely rest and heal (not enter a state of reaction or irritation).

NOTE: For Green Cleanses with Apple, clients may choose the number of juices a day that they would like us to add apple to. You can choose to have up to 4 juices a day, containing apple.

The benefits of this cleanse: A healthier stomach, a decrease in bloating, a balance and stabalisation of blood sugar, a deep detoxification of the intestinal tract, the passing of kidney stones (if needed by the body), a feeling of energy, flow, vibrancy, balance, joy, clearer skin, whiter eyes, slimmer waistline, loss of weight, more energy, healthier food cravings, repairing of skin, organs and cells, improved health condition, better sleep, as well as insights, inspiration, clarity, calmness and peace.

Juice cleansing, if done correctly, and tailored to you, also lifts your average frequency, resulting in better life and food choices moving forward. Your taste buds will naturally change, relying on what your body ‘actually’ needs, and your food cravings will naturally seek healthier options.

This is a fantastic detoxing Juice Cleanse, for the Mind, Body & Emotions, which is all connected to the stomach!

So get excited for A HEALTHY GUT!

NOTE: This cleanse can be also tailored to your current Health Conditions, using specific herbs or other added ingredients.

Juicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Green Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices - white background

GREEN JUICE CLEANSES WITH BEETROOT, CARROT & APPLE: is a very popular cleanse for those who are well on their way to healing their gut microbiome, immune system and digestive system and can now assimilate small amounts of natural sugar from organic beetroot, carrots as well as apples.

This cleanse is for those who also wish to focus on their gut health, clearing out and strengthening the lymphatic system, stabilising blood pressure, healing menstrual issues, urination problems and circulatory issues.

This cleanse utilizes the pectin from both the apple and carrots, to bind together heavy metals and move them out of your system, as well as stimulating urination and the release of excess fatty acids and salts from the body. It also seeks to utilise the blood detoxifying properties of beetroot, to aid in the cleaning of the blood, lymphatic system and urinary passages. This cleanse is brilliant for high blood pressure and circulation issues, and for those who experience blockages within their eliminatory organs/passage ways.

Note: Putting an apple in a juice, encourages a bowel movement, more so than if an apple is not present, which is what we want (regular bowel movements), when juice cleansing. For this reason, this cleanse is great for moving toxins quickly, improving blood flow, improved functioning of ones eliminatory organs, as the apple and carrot keeps toxins moving out of the system, whilst the beetroot purifies the blood.

NOTE: For those with diabetes (type 1 and 2), we recommend looking at the straight green cleanse with apple, as beetroot has a much higher glycemnic index score than green apples, and therefore beetroot may trigger a blood sugar spike, especially for those with type 2 diabetes, and/or who have a severely weakened pancreas and/or adrenal glands. The reason we like to include apple at all, in a juice cleanse for those with diabetes, is because in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the pancreas just needs a little help still, to produce the right amounts of insulin when needed, which has often been caused by an overload of refined sugar in the past. Providing apple in the cleanse, provides a natural slow release of sugar into the body, which aims to keep blood sugar levels stabalised, and therefore provides less work for the pancreas, and the perfect opportunity to naturally heal and strengthen its functions again. NOTE: If we produce all the insulin for the pancreas, the pancreas often gets lazy, and no healing and strengthening of function is achieved, so having a few juices in the cleanse containing apple, and a few without, aims to strengthen the functions of the pancreas and train it how to work again efficiently. Together this creates an ideal opportunity and environment, in which one can heal.

NOTE: For this cleanse, clients may also choose the number of juices a day that they would like us to add apple to, and how much.

The benefits of this cleanse include: A healthier lymphatic system, a deep detoxification of the intestinal tract, a purification of the blood, the passing of gallstones, increase of iron and nutrient absorbsion rate, balanced hormones, healthier stools, more regular bowel movements, a better working digestive system, increased metabolism, more flexibility, a feeling of energy, lightness, vibrancy, clearer skin, whiter eyes, slimmer waistline, loss of weight, more energy, healthier food cravings, better sleep, repairing of skin, organs and cells, improved health condition, as well as insights, inspiration, clarity, alignment and daily flow.

Juice cleansing, if done correctly, and tailored to you, also lifts your average frequency, resulting in better life and food choices moving forward, as your taste buds adapt to a healthier way of eating, and your food cravings naturally seek healthier options. The result often means that one’s entire life circumstances will adapt to their new frequency level / their higher state of consciousness.

This is also a Deep Detoxifying Juice Cleanse, so get excited for MASSIVE HEALING AND A FEELING OF INCREDIBLE LIGHTNESS & BRIGHTNESS AFTERWARDS!

NOTE: This cleanse can be also tailored to your current Health Condition.

Juicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Green with beet Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices - white background

Remember, Disease cannot survive in a pure alkaline environment and therefore parasites, toxic waste, tumors, cysts, crystallised acid build ups in your joints, mucoid plaque stuck to your colon and foreign invaders, simply die off and exit your body, allowing your body to regenerate and heal.

Juicing with Nadia K's Fresh Juices on bench top next to Branded Box

THE POWER OF OUR JARS & THE SACRED GEOMETRY: The sacred geometric symbol on each of our jars, combines both the “Seed of Life”, and “Tesla Energy”.

Juicing with Nadia K's Logo / Icon / Geometric Symbol

The Seed of Life: represents “creation” – and it is so powerful, because when we infuse the juices with healing intent, this energy, together with the seed of life geometry, creates a powerful potion that instills seeds of universal light code, that are then ingested into your body, and into your cells, to design your new matrix/light grid (energetic make up/blue print), which attracts your physical reality.

For instants, if the healing intent was for your immune system to strengthen, so that you would no longer get sick every winter, these light codes would be planted and nourished with the geometric power of the seed life, to bring your body, exactly the information and healing codes needed, to do so. This would then be planted as the new core belief around your immune system, and the systems and workings of the body, would stem/grow from there. This will result in new healthier habits manifesting, out of intuitive choice, to match your new light grid/energetic blueprint, which then in turn speeds up the healing process and the physical realization of your initial intent.

Tesla Energy: and the combined symbolic representation of the numbers and frequencies; 3, 6, 9, creates a Vortex of Energy which accesses the Power of the Universe. This universal light is then always shinning through toward anything in which the symbol faces, in which the universal energy, brings more life and vitality to the liquid potion, a higher vibration and thus a greater purification.

Combing Tesla Energy Geometry with the Seed of Life Geometry, combines “Creation” with the “Power of Universal Energy”.

Together these work to fertilize the Healing Intentions infused into your juice, with the right light codes/packets of information, needed from the Universe, to ensure they manifest into your physical reality. If this jar is kept, and reused, after the initial cleanse, this will help act as a continual growth fertilizer, as the body will be reminded of the frequency of Tesla Energy (universal energy) and trigger a response to strengthen the frequency pathways instilled in your cells, to realise your intentions.

Below is a perfect example of the Power of these two ancient geometric symbols put together.

Picture of parsley in Nadia K Jar compared with a normal jar

Above is parsley that was picked from the garden by a client. Half of the parsley was put into an ordinary jar on the right, and the other half of the parsley was put into the jar on the left. The same water was used, with the same positioning in the kitchen.

3 days later, Look at the difference! The amount of life and vitality in the parsley in the ‘Juicing with Nadia K’ Jar, with the Tesla/Seed of Life Sacred Geometry Combination, as apposed to the regular jar is substantial.

Many clients have also told me that everything they drink from that ‘Juicing with Nadia K’ jar, tastes better, than if they were to drink it from an ordinary glass.

Combining this Universal Power, with Healing Energy and Intentions, set for your Highest Good and Highest Light, these Juices Cleanses, have the ability to work miracles, if the client is ready and willing 🙂

Which is one of the many reasons why a simple Juice Cleanse, when done properly, and maximized, can completely Change Your Life!

Close up of green juice with Tesla Plate on lidNadia K packing a juice cleanse into a box at kitchen bench

DIY CLEANSE PROGRAMS (EXCLUDING JUICES): These DIY programs are available to purchase for those who wish to juice cleanse themselves at home. This program provides clients with the opportunity to learn exactly how to recreate the juice cleanses themselves at home. Clients purchasing the DIY Programs will receive all detailed juice recipes for that cleanse, tips and tricks on how to get the most out of their juice cleanse, additional ancient healing methods (available with the 7 Day DIY Programs), and the chance to repeat juice cleanses for themselves time and time again. I encourage all individuals to have this program regardless, as it is The BIBLE for Body and Health Maintenance and a Preventative and Healing Recipe for Disease. (A must have operating manual for your body!)

Nadia K Juicing Kale in a Juicer


The next step is to pick how many days to juice cleanse for.

The options and explanations are below:

– 1 Day Juice Cleanse
– 2 Day Juice Cleanse
– 3 Day Juice Cleanse
– 5 Day Juice Cleanse
– 7 Day Juice Cleanse
– 14 to 21 Day Juice Cleanse
– 30 Days (For Full Transformational Healing of the Body, Mind & Spirit)

1 – 3 Day Juice Cleanses: are for those who haven’t juice cleansed before. This is a gentle introduction to the magical world of juicing, and believe me when I say “A lot can be achieved in these short periods of time!

5 and 7 day Juice Cleanses: are for those who have juice cleansed before, or live a healthy lifestyle and are confident that they can persevere. These cleanses are also for people who wish to receive life changing results in a short period of time. Warning; cleansing for this amount of time, will completely shift and heal so many ailments in your body and balance and bring you harmony, like you won’t believe. So if you are not ready to make big life changes, then perhaps go for a gentler cleanse.

Those that have cleansed for 5-7 days understand the life changing benefits, clarity, spiritual awareness and inspiration moving forward. It is cleansing for 7 days that leads to amazing awakenings for individuals and is the perfect goal to work towards for everyone.

14 to 21 Day Juice Cleanses: It takes 21 Days to form a new habit. Therefore cleansing for 14 to 21 days, not only significantly heals the body, by shifting density within at a rapid rate, removing parasites, dissolving old acid waste, releasing trauma, shedding any unnecessary weight, and healing disease in the body, it completely shifts the way in which you look at food and rewires your brain, taste buds, habits and cravings, to that of higher vibrational needs.

Long story short, those that accomplish 14 to 21 days of juice cleansing, have a completely whole new outlook on life; both mentally, spiritually & physically, as you step into a whole new vibration level of living, where significant change must be made after – in order to adapt. So prepare for Change! You will have no choice after this cleanse, to change a whole lot in your life!

You will feel the benefits 6 months after, especially the energetic benefits from the energy infused juices!


This is a Powerful Cleanse!

30 Day Juice Cleanse: (For Full Transformational Healing of the Body, Mind & Spirit)

This is the Ultimate Cleanse for anyone ready to Completely Change Their Life!

There is no if’s or but’s here. You do this Cleanse, Your ENTIRE WORLD CHANGES! – As You Activate Your Unique Blueprint.

If you have disease you wish to heal, past burdens you wish to let go off, self destructive habits and addictions you are ready to diminish, significant weight to lose, and/or you are ready to take control of your life and make significant change, then this will be The Most Transformational 30 days of Your Life!

In 30 days of Juice Cleansing, your Vibration Increases to such a High Level, that any density, trauma, disease, negative attachments and parasites, are forced to leave the body, as they can not sustain this level of light in your body, for this long. In this time, Your Entire Inner World “upgrades” (which really means: Rids the Junk to Activate Your Inner Power!), to a higher awareness, consciousness, and version of yourself, with a purified higher vibration, which immediately begins to reflect itself in the next 6-9 months of manifesting for you! – In which your life has NO CHOICE but to adapt to your new higher vibrational state of being!

And when you are this High – Wow do things Happen in Your Life – And Fast!

30 days opens up your Spiritual Channels, Creative Potential, and provides tremendous clarity moving forward, in all aspects of your life, & if you have a partner or loved one, doing this together can completely heal a relationship, as a new found awareness and consideration becomes an essential component in your life together, and Spiritual Connection becomes your New Blissful Path.

The most exciting part; away from the bright white eyes, your flawless skin, healthy and fit looking figure, and more energy than a child on Christmas Morning, Is watching your life unfold to match your new average frequency. Your heightened vibration WILL attract new found joy, abundance, love, self worth, self respect, self honor, confidence and appreciation, which makes the after cleanse process an ever exciting time, as you integrate your new state of consciousness and frequency, and co-create your reality with the help of your Spirit.

30 Days is the Ultimate Gift to Your Life and to Yourself and those around you, as your New Found Energy Shines Bright Daily & You Enjoy stepping into and creating your New Manifested Life. This is definitely something for the Bucket List!

In short: the more days you choose to cleanse, the greater the benefits you will receive!

NOTE: Please don’t rush. Healing is not a race. We go at OUR Pace and Walk OUR OWN Healing Journey! Never Compare Yourself to Anyone. Where you are is Perfect. All we need to do is take one step forward from that! For some, achieving 1 day is an enormous feat, and that should celebrated with just as much excitement and pride as one who makes 30 days. Again, all we want to do is move forward.

NOTE: As you rest your digestive system, flood the body with high vibrational nutrients, combined with Tesla and Reiki healing energy (in which each juice in infused by our Talented High Frequency Reiki Healers), you gift your body the PERFECT ENVIRONMENT to heal itself, through it’s innate intelligence, and through accessing heightened frequencies & incredible potentials – providing an opportunity for Miracles and Magic to Happen!! – If your Intent, Readiness & Allowance to receive supports.

Nadia K sitting in nature with a juice in handJuicing with Nadia K's 1 Day Green with beet Juice Cleanse - 5 Juices - in nature


The next step is to pick how many juices a day you would like?

The options are below:
– 5 x 500ml Juices a Day
– 6 x 500ml juices a day

5 x 500ml Juices a Day: are for those who don’t have a large appetite and/or don’t do a great amount of physical exercise. In this case, 5 Juices a day will be more than enough to keep you feeling full throughout the day.

6 x 500ml Juices a Day: are for those who do have a large appetite and/or do a great amount of physical exercise and therefore need the extra nutrition and alkalising minerals to replenish their salts. In this case, 6 Juices a day will be ideal to keep you satisfied and nourished throughout the day.

Simply choose which option resonates most with you and choose the appropriate box when ordering.


The last step is to choose whether you wish to include an enema kit (which is recommended for all cleanses). This is obviously not mandatory but highly recommended, as you will get more out of your cleanse!

The silicon enema kits are the best on the market and will last you 1-2 years depending on how long you use them, and are strongly tied to the juice cleanse regime of all programs.


Remember if you are outside of delivery zones be sure to contact us, so we can do our best to accommodate.

Happy Cleansing!

Nadia K with Juices and a Kuvings Juicing Machine in the kitchen

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