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Tesla’s Pocket / Travel Plate

Like all of Tesla’s Innovational products, Tesla’s pocket plate, is a titanium plate that has had its vibrational signature altered in a way, as to act as a transceiver of specific photons (light energy) transmuted through the Central Sun, in order to help relieve the effects of manmade Electromagnetic Radiations & Electromagnetic Frequencies, together with a whole list of other powerful healing benefits, as listed below.

Tesla’s Pocket/Travel Plate acts as a transceiver of universal energy, in the same manner as the ancient pyramids were built to do, which transmutes manmade (artificial) toxins and toxic energy from that of which it touches or is in close proximately to, and then restores it back to its natural state.

Think of a small plate, having the ability to capture “universal healing light energy” and then continually radiate this out, helping to dissolve disruptive electrical frequency patterns and helping those it touches to keep their electrical energies clean, the concept is mind blowing!

This clever little plate alkalises water, adds life force and thus extends shelf life of your food and drink, making them taste better, as well as healing affected parts of your body and the wounds of others, simply via touch!

The field of influence of Tesla’s Pocket/Travel Plate is a metre in radius, but to activate the specific acupuncture points and speed up the bodies healing process, it is most effective placing the plate directly on the affected area, concave side facing/ touching the area. Note: This is because 70% of the energy comes from the concave side and 30% from the convex side.

This plate is very much heart connected and for this reason can be worn in a shirt pocket or a side pocket with the concave side facing your body.

The matrix pattern of this plate has been designed in a way that is has its specific tasks to do which all follow the general principle of removing what effects are damaging from man and returning back to natural essence, causing a rise in frequency.



How Does it Work?

The pocket plate, originally made from titanium, has had its molecular structure changed via Nikola Tesla’s personal workings/technologies in a way that makes it possible to channel through the energy of the Central Sun into the edges of the pocket plate and then transmit this energy out through the front and the back of the plate to enable life force to enter that of which it touches.

The process is similar to an antidote, which transforms a poison to neutral and educates the body to resist the poison next time.

The pocket plate has a reach of 1 metre, so when treating your own personal aura to clear stress, we recommend standing on it concave side facing up, then placing on heart, then around areas of the head that are hot or that you feel intuitively guided to do.

This plate is your personal little healing tool, you can take with you for use at any time or to help heal others or animals when needed or add life force into living things.

For Detailed Information on How the Pocket Plate & Tesla’s Innovational Technology Works, Download the Free Information Booklet HERE



What Does the Pocket Plate Do & What are the Benefits?

  • Tesla’s Pocket Plate lifts the frequency of food and water and neutralises & diminishes toxins
  • When holding the pocket plate, it relieves the effects of manmade Electromagnetic Frequencies and Electromagnetic Radiations
  • Removes the GMOs and toxins from food and restores it to its natural state
  • Clears all electrical currents and fields from food, juice and water, allowing a pure safe energy to enter the body. (Eg. When juicing a juice, you can ensure no electricity currents are in the juice.)
  • Will improve the crystal shape of frozen water and food, making it healthier to consume
  • Matures wine and makes for healthier better tasting wine (Note: Don’t use the pocket plate on already expensive or mature wine, as it will move the wine into the next level of maturity and make it taste like vinegar!)
  • Sweetens and matures fruit and vegetables
  • Alters the taste of water making it clearer, taste better and smoother to drink (simply place your pocket plate under your jug of water for 10-15 minutes and see and taste the difference!)
  • Alleviates headaches (simply place over affected area concave side down until headache is gone)
  • Speeds up the healing process for affected areas on the body including cuts, bruises, burns, insect bites, lumps and bumps
  • Helps alleviate pain, such as arthritis and inflammation and other affected areas
  • Helps suffers of epilepsy reducing or dismissing their epileptic fits



Spot the Difference!

The picture below shows a photo of two bottles of water from a non-filtered tap in a cafe. The bottle on the left was treated with a Tesla Plate, which you can see looks a lot clearer!

After the bottle was treated for 5 minutes (sitting on a Tesla Plate) a young lady was asked to taste a cup of water from both bottles and to see if she could taste the difference. It took her no time to suggest that the Tesla treated water tasted a lot nicer and smoother and assumed that it had been filtered!



Other Results from Clients Use of Pocket Plates:

  • One thankful client reported that her dog was having an epileptic fit, and she intuitively placed the pocket plate on the dogs body, and the epileptic fit stopped within seconds
  • Another client reported she had severe heart burn, so she intuitively placed the pocket place on her chest and within minutes the heart burn stopped
  • Multiple clients have reported that their headaches have ceased, after 3-5 minutes of placing Tesla’s Pocket Plate on the affected area of their head
  • Most clients reported that their food and water tasted better, cleaner and more vibrant
  • Personally these pocket plates have extend the shelf life of our juices, added taste to our water and food, cleared away stressful energy and thought patterns, helped release emotions and provided clarity and come useful for an instant mood lift.


Tesla’s Pocket/Travel Plate is a friend you want with you at all times, as this bundle of light energy is always giving!!



We at Juicing with Nadia K, have access to All Tesla Products at a 10 % Discount Price from the Makers, for all clients and customers who purchase through the website.

RRP = $145 AU per Pocket Plate

10% DISCOUNT = $130 AU

To Order your Pocket/Travel Plate with 10% Discount, CLICK HERE

Postage: $15 Express Post




Note: This technology was handed down to the makers, with specific instructions and intent, by Nikola Tesla himself (the greatest discoverer/inventor of all time, who invented electricity as well as 1600 patented inventions!) No other company has access to this technology and the results have been life changing with the makers called all over the world to help with Global EMF & EMR issues.

Nikola Tesla was light years ahead of his time and not only invented free energy but his technology (almost like a radio tunes to a station), captures universal energy from the Central Sun, in the unique frequency patterns set in the Tesla Plates, to strengthen our energy fields – ALWAYS LIFTING US HIGHER IN OUR FREQUENCY and combatting the harmful effects of EMRs, EMFs, mobile phone radiation, 5G and Wi-Fi.

We thank the makers for following Nikola Tesla’s instructions, and it is an honour to share this with the public in a transparent manner, so we can all benefit from the gift that Nikola Tesla left future generations.


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