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Tesla’s Large Spiritual Plate

Close up of Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate near oceanClose up of Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate on grassClose up of Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate near ocean

Tesla’s Large Spiritual plate is by far one of Tesla’s most exciting products!

It is designed for individuals, to clear away blockages, align with our higher selves, and to tap into, develop and enhance our own unique spiritual gifts and talents!

Tesla’s Large Spiritual Plate will allow you to lift to higher levels of frequency and to connect with the non-physical world, as well as lift you up from low thinking and help you embrace life with colour and positivity. Using this plate will help you rid limiting beliefs, see more clearly and better connect to the spiritual side of your life.

This means helping you to tap into and expand on your true spiritual gifts and talents!

Lady holding Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate leaning on glass window smiling

We all come to this Earth with unique gifts to offer, and finding out what they are, enhancing them, and then utilising them, adds a whole new level of excitement and fulfilment into your life!

Being a Natural Channel (born with a hypertensive Meridian Grid, a wide open crown chakra and a magnified 3rd eye), getting Tesla’s Spiritual Plate for me was an absolute Game Changer in my Spiritual World, which of course then became a Life Changer in my Physical World!

I still to this day, often wear Tesla’s Spiritual Plate in my (wireless) bra, when I need to BE ON MY GAME, reading energies or channelling insights for both my clients or for my own personal business and life decisions. or even in social settings with people I am new to meeting.

And when I do, WOW am I 100% clear in my reading of others non-verbal information, along with any unnecessary beliefs or entities they carry, so I know to be sure they don’t attach (aka I take on). Therefore social becomes FUN, as I know, I hold strong in my Energy, thanks to this baby!

Tesla’s Large Spiritual Plate has been an absolute gift for me for this!

Especially when I want to increase my own Spiritual Insights and Power, I meditate with this plate and work on the Specific “Claire’s” I want to activate and increase, (aka clairaudient etc) and WOW does this work a charm! Almost too good sometimes, and I have to turn it down a notch and say – “Ok, Not Ready For That Just Yet” haha 🙂

Nadia K holding Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate sitting on couch

When using Tesla’s Spiritual Plate, YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO, just following what Intuitively Feels Good to You – And together you will gain and learn incredible insights to your gifts!


NOTE: Just like all of Tesla’s Innovational Products, it is important YOU DO NOT place the plate on top of your head (over your Crown Chakra), as the bigger plates are just too much energy for the Crown Chakra to take, as like Tesla, your Crown Chakra an Important Channeller of Energy (Wisdom, Light and Healing) and having too much energy come through often brings upon headaches.


We at Juicing with Nadia K, have access to All Tesla Products at a 10% Discount Price from the Makers, for all clients and customers who purchase through the website.

Lady holding Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate lying on ground

RRP = $732 AU per Spiritual Plate

10% DISCOUNT JWNK Online Price = $665 AU

To Order your Spiritual Plate with 10% OFF CLICK HERE

Postage: $15 Express Post

Note: All Tesla Purchases are sent out with an instruction manual

Tesla's Large Spiritual Plate close up - golden leaf patternTesla's Large Spiritual Plate close up - spiral comet pattern


Note: This technology was handed down to the makers, with specific instructions and intent, by Nikola Tesla himself (the greatest discoverer/inventor of all time, who invented electricity as well as 1600 patented inventions! No other company has access to this technology and the results have been life changing with the makers called all over the world to help with Global EMF, EMR issues.

Nikola Tesla was light years ahead of his time and not only invented free energy but his technology (almost like a radio tunes to a station), captures universal energy from the Central Sun, in the unique frequency patterns set in the Tesla Plates, to strengthen our energy fields – ALWAYS LIFTING US HIGHER IN OUR FREQUENCY and combatting the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiations, mobile phone radiation, 5G and Wi-Fi.

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